IT Strategy

Developing an IT Strategy

What’s the IT organization’s current course? What technology will they use? How is the IT organization itself being managed? And is it clear how IT will add value to the business?

Based on its extensive knowledge, TansTech analyzes and defines the strategy of the IT organization in close collaboration with the client. Topics such as innovation, service delivery, financial , human resources and the relationships with the business organization will be discussed.

By applying a structured plan, the client —supported by TansTech—will develop a clear picture of the future. The result is a strategy that ensures the IT organization’s future success.

More IT Strategy

  • Business Information Management
  • Business Information Planning
  • Business Project Portfolio Management
  • Project Portfolio Assessment
  • Developing an IT Strategy

Business Information Management

TansTech’s approach to Business Information Management requires the combination of three concepts:

1) Business Information Planning,

2) Business Project Portfolio Management and

3) IT Strategy Development.

Utilized within this framework are unique features developed by TansTech, such as Q-BIPTM, “BIP in one day” and many other methodologies to ensure successful operations.

The TansTech Business Information Management has at its core, the ability to improve the ease and quality of decision making by making optimal use of information planning, project management, and overall IT strategy – combined.

Business Information Planning

IT is the backbone of many business activities and increasingly more and more vital to a business’ overall success. Whereas IT was once seen as a support function, it is now seen and used as a strategic resource. Changes within a business can be both “IT driven”, and/or “business driven”. In the current business climate, the challenge is to effectively liaison between “business goals” and “IT goals” and maintain the relationship with a constant balance and interchange.

TansTech’s Information Planning Framework solves this challenge with an approach based on involvement of all relevant parties, and guarantees broad-based results. These results include: a proper strategy, scenarios for change, an information plan, and a project calendar complete with specific goals and timelines. TansTech’s Information Planning Framework is highly appealing to both business and IT management and provides for highly effective business information planning.

Business Project Portfolio Management

Effective Business Project Portfolio Management (BPPM) requires a quick and effective response on the part of IT to the expressed needs of a business. Businesses are constantly in a state of flux; adding, removing, expanding or decreasing in scope, planning, and postponing projects. IT departments must respond accordingly and in a way which ensures quality and cost effectiveness.

TansTech Consulting can assist your company in making sure that your BPPM is of the highest quality and has the full and most effective support of IT.

Project Portfolio Assessment

One of the hallmarks of TansTech Consulting is its ability to provide a company an independent assessment of the quality and interaction of its current portfolio of projects. At times, projects in a company’s IT portfolio are redundant and/or do not add value – only unnecessary costs. The recommendation, after a thorough assessment by TansTech, might be that certain projects be eliminated completely. Other times, it might be recommended that projects be added, expanded and/or better served by IT to benefit the goals of the business. 

Whatever is eventually discovered, and recommended by TansTech Consulting, one of the first essential steps for a business is a thorough assessment of its current portfolio of projects. 

Developing an IT Strategy

What course does the IT organization follow? What technology will they use? How is the IT organization itself managed? And is it clear how IT will add to the business value of the organization? Based on its extensive knowledge, TansTech analyzes and defines the strategy of the IT organization. Issues such as innovation, service delivery, financial , staffing and relationships with the user organization are discussed. By utilizing a structured plan, TansTech—together with the client—will develop a clear picture of the future. The result is a strategy that ensures the organization’s future success.